Well, I have officially died and gone to heaven. My friend, Tyler and I have made the most delicious cupcakes known to man. Okay, one of the most delicious cupcakes known to man. Imagine a white cupcake with an Oreo at the bottom, chocolate chip cookie dough in the middle, and brownie frosting. Is you mouth watering yet? The cupcake is called (though you've probably guessed from the title) Triple Threat cupcakes. I found the recipe from THIS WEBSITE. Though there are many steps, don't let that stop you from enjoying this amazing cupcake.
We made some modifications to the recipe though. We didn't put brownies in the frosting since we didn't have any but we used the leftover Oreo pieces to top off the cupcake so it all balanced out. :-)

When doing the cupcakes, I used this little gadget that takes the middle of the cupcake out so you can fill it with whatever you want, in this case cookie dough. It worked fantastically!